Sunday, 23 September 2012

Week 38

Another busy week with everyone sick and even a trip to hospital with my husband but despite this I have been trying to do more with my photography.
I've got quite in to the Canon Photo Competition and working my way through the briefs.  This week I tackled the spaghetti and tissue paper briefs - so much fun and got me thinking about setting up photo's rather than just taking photo's of things I find along the way - I will share the final results when I decide on which ones to use...
Here is this weeks efforts...
15 September - Feeling Small

16 September - Paper Flowers


17 September - Real Flowers

18 September - Driving Home from Grandma's

19 September - Spaghetti!

20 September - Boat

21 September - Shadows


  1. Photos from the 15th (great self portrait!), 16th, 19th (love the colour!), 20th are great!! Nice work. Can't wait to see what you enter in the competition.

  2. wow that macro lens is awesome!! great photos both this week and last (sorry haven't caught up in a while!)
