Friday, 28 September 2012

Week 39

So this week I got a new macro lens for my birthday so not surprisinly 6 out of my 7 pictures this week are taken using my new amazing macro lens!

I can't say I am a super fan of bugs but they are awesome to photograph with a macro lens and it gets you thinking about things in a whole new way.

Here is this weeks effort....

28 September - Bird of Paradise

27 September - Rain Drops

26 September - Spider

25 September - Big Sister Bumps on the see-saw

24 September - Tomato

23 September - Dragon Fly

22 September - Check out the stalks on those daisies...

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Week 38

Another busy week with everyone sick and even a trip to hospital with my husband but despite this I have been trying to do more with my photography.
I've got quite in to the Canon Photo Competition and working my way through the briefs.  This week I tackled the spaghetti and tissue paper briefs - so much fun and got me thinking about setting up photo's rather than just taking photo's of things I find along the way - I will share the final results when I decide on which ones to use...
Here is this weeks efforts...
15 September - Feeling Small

16 September - Paper Flowers


17 September - Real Flowers

18 September - Driving Home from Grandma's

19 September - Spaghetti!

20 September - Boat

21 September - Shadows

Sunday, 16 September 2012

Week 37

With the sun now setting later we have been getting some awesome sun sets on the way home - with two of my pictures this week being the sun setting.  I am starting to wonder just how many photo's I have of the trip home - surely by the end of the year I could put them together and document my daily trip home - as well as pretty much every flower and tree in the garden at home...
Here is this weeks efforts...
8 September - Flower
9 September - The Tramoline (yes, really it is!)

10 September - Sunset number 1

11 September - In the Garden...

12 September - Sunset number 2

13 September - The Journey Home

14 September - Swing

Saturday, 8 September 2012

Week 36

Week 36 already, how quick is this year going!

Another week where I had a mix of considered shots and just random "got to get a photo of something today" when I ran out of time.  The photo I absolutely love this week is the 5th of September.  We were driving home from work and the sun was low in the sky and then as we drove past Victoria Park it started raining.  It looked so amazing that I took a photo out the window of the car as we drove past.  When we stopped in traffic a bit further down the road I jumped out of the car and took a few more but I still loved the one taken while driving past (disclaimer here - I was a passenger) the best.  Goes to show you have to have your camera ready at all times and take those moments when they arise...

Here's this weeks efforts...

7 September - Spring!

6 September - Tree

5 September - Sunshine Through the Rain

4 September - Haircut

3 September - Eating Icecream out of the Pack!

2 September - Happy Fathers Day

1 September - Princess in the Forest

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Week 35

A busy week this week with photo's taken any where I could get a chance!  The result is a lot of snapshots rather than great photo's but still a record of what we did this week at least!

Here is this weeks effort....

31 August - Hide and Seek

30 August - Princess

29 August - Bike

28 August - Cheeky Smile

27 August - Silver Lining

26 August - Yesterday's News

25 August - Night Out!