Friday, 18 May 2012

Week 20

This weeks theme was Autumn and I actually managed to get lots of themed photo's this week (and even a throw back to lens flare!).  An extra great accomplishment given we were exiled from our house for the week and holed up in a hotel while our rotten kitchen floor got replaced!

The thing I am loving the most about this challenge is all the weird and wonderful places I end up on the quest for a picture.  On Mothers Day I decided after lunch that what I would really like to do was get a great Autumn photo so kids in tow we set off for Devonport.  On the way a cemetery caught my eye with the most amazing Autumn colours so we all stopped.  I stepped in and there was a sudden gust of wind and all the leaves lifted off the ground - it was surreal.  It was the most rich place - full of colour and energy which was so at odds with the broken head stones.  And while I couldn't say the kids were quite as moved by it as me they did get over being scared when no zombies appeared like they do on Scooby Doo!

Anyway, here's this weeks efforts....

18 May - The Duck Pond

17 May - Autumn in the Suburbs

16 May - Wet Autumn Days in the Park

15 May - Guess who got the big bed??

 14 May - Driving Home on the Harbour Bridge

13 May - Mt Victoria (Devonport) Cemetry

12 May - Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner!

1 comment:

  1. LOVELY pics!! I love the harbour bridge shot and wet autumn days in the park. Nice work on the cemetery shot and the lens flare one too!!
