Saturday, 24 March 2012

Lots of celebrations, not so much progress

So this weeks theme was progress which I have to say I did appallingly badly at, managing to get only one 'progress' photo for the week.

We did have an awesome week though with lots of celebrations, kicking off with our 7 year wedding anniversary, Uncle Don visiting from the US in the middle and then finishing with Aaron's birthday.

Here is what we have been up to this week...

23 March - Aaron's birthday cake designed by the girls.  Lesson to young players, don't surround tall candles with lots of little candles - they will melt and flop!

22 March - Progress!  This is progress as measured by Auckland City's sky scape. St Patricks Cathedral opened 15 March 1885 and next to it Sky Tower opened 3 March 1997 – 112 years later.   I liked the juxtaposition of the old and the new, the saintly and the not so...

21 March - time for cuddly

20 March - Rainy Day at Victoria Park

19 March - Welcome to NZ Uncle Don

18 March - Looking out over the city

17 March - Happy Anniversary

And of course Happy St Patricks Day....

1 comment:

  1. Great pics - and congrats on all the celebrations this week!! Yup - I agree March 22 is a fab pic of progress. March 20 and 18 are awesome too (what a great model you have!).
