Week 13 this week and the theme was time, or maybe food or colour so just be on the safe side I had a play with a couple of these...
I, like most Mums, struggle to find enough time in the day to get through everything I need to in the day, let alone swanning off to take pictures. This week though I made a conscious effort to make more time to take photo's and even went off for a couple of hours on Saturday to take photo's of Aunty Julie's dragon boating and then roped the girls into coming along for a few sunset photo's....
Here are this week's photo's....
30 March - playing with colour and the white balance in this shot of the sun setting
29 March - Making it happen!! Not the best light for the photo but I love the attitude too much to not include it
28 March - Quality Time... This is from Bella and my 'sunset shoot'. I set up the camera on the tripod with the right settings and then Bella set up the shot and took the photo.
27 March - my favourite photo this week. I wasn't really getting much movement in the shot so I asked Bella to give Soph a little push....

26 March - Running out of time to cook dinner and get the girls into bed!! Still stuck in the city in traffic at 6.17pm!
25 March - my little spinning top...
24 March - The Pink Dragons