Friday, 27 July 2012

Week 30

Wow!  Week 30 already!!

This week seemed a bit easier to get photo's and despite the rain it seemed a bit lighter.  I even spotted the first signs of spring (can that happen in July??) with blossoms on a tree in Victoria Park that I had to race out of the car at the traffic lights to take a picture of.

Here is this weeks effort...

27 July - Checking The Mail

26 July - First Signs Of Spring?

25 July - Makeshift Plastic Bag Raincoat

24 July - Bird In The Mist

23 July - The Magic Frog...

22 July - Run and Jump!

21 July - This is what I see when I'm on the See-saw with you....

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Week 29

A mixed bag this week, with some photo's I love and others I struggled to get something for the day (they are pretty easy to pick).

I had a great time on Saturday doing a little photo shoot with my cousins and their beautiful children.  Great practice for taking photo's and editing seens my children are SO over having their photo's taken!

Here is this weeks effort...

20 July - Toothless Grin

19 July -  Gas Back On!

18 July - Fashion History

17 July - Mud

16 July - The Best Kind Of Teddy Bear...

15 July - A Sisterly Lift

14 July - Amazing Eyes...

Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Week 28

This week we had a theme for the first time in a while - "The Journey".  It was great having a bit of focus and while the link may be a bit loose in some I have tried to link them all in.  I also got to thinking that life isn't all about the destination but about the fun we have getting to the places we are going so I tried to capture some of those moments of fun this week too...

Here is this weeks effort...

13 July - Journey's End

12 July - The friends you meet along the way 

11 July - A journey that starts out bright and early with a cardboard box and a flashlight

10 July - The point in a journey when you realise you don't know where the brakes are...

9 July - The best way to travel through evening traffic

8 July - The surprises you see in your everyday journey's

7 July - A journey away from home to visit new places (with their very own chocolate makers)

Friday, 6 July 2012

Week 27

What a week!!!
On Sunday we went to visit my Nan who moved into a rest home last weekend.

On Monday my Grandad went in for major open heart bypass surgery at exactly the same time that I had one of my biggest (and most stressful) meetings at work.  Like the trooper he is Grandad pulled through in fine form and later that night I went in to see him in the ICU before flying out to Wellington.  Oh, and did I mention Monday was also my Mum and brother in law's birthday and we had birthday dinner for them at our house??

On Tuesday we bumped and swayed through the sky in a plane through gale force winds and then once on the ground were shaken awake by a (thankfully very deep) 7.0 magnitude earthquake in Wellington!

On Wednesday I walked and bused by way around Wellington in meeting after meeting and for what may be the first time ever actually got tired of the sound of my own voice.

Then on Thursday and Friday we set of on a mini adventure into Wellington to stay at a fancy hotel with the girls and brave the cold southerlies (more on that here).

So in the context of that week I am pretty stoked with my photo's this week (on Monday I seriously considered taking a photo of the inside of my lens cap).

Here is this weeks effort...

6 July - Looking Out On A Grey Wellington Day

5 July - Ahhh, Luxury...

4 July - No More Photo's Mum

3 July - The View From Above The Clouds

2 July - Celebration After So Much Worry..

1 July - At the Rest Home Library

30 June - Who's The Fairest Of Them All?


This week we had an amazing adventure in Wellington...

We have had it all - roller coaster airplane rides, a 7.0 magnitude earthquake and so much public transport (2 train rides and 9 bus rides in the space of 3 days - ironically next weeks theme is journeys...) 

We came down for the first week of school holidays and spent most of the holiday at Gran's house but decided to give the girls a little treat and book a fancy hotel in Wellington CBD.  Despite it being only 10 degrees each day with a bracing southerly we were out in the (barely) heated pool every day and walked a lot around a very wet and windswept Wellington..  

Here are some of the photo's from our little holiday...