It was a great thing to do and really got you to use your camera and challenge yourself to do new things but it did become a chore some weeks with a last minute struggle to get photo's. My go to subjects in this instance were Victoria Park on the way home, flowers (I think I have photographed every flower within a 500m radius of my house) and the kids!
This year I am embarking on a new and slightly less arduous challenge with a bigger group - the 52 week challenge - one photo a week for 52 weeks. It's going to be great not to HAVE to take a photo every day and the kids will love not constantly having a camera pointed at them. I am also challenging myself to step outside of my comfort zone and concentrate a bit more on the type of photo's I really love doing. You can follow my weekly posts at this new site here.
In the mean time here are the final 3 photo's of 2012!
29 December - Fun!

30 December - Mist on the Mountains
31 December - 5 minutes to midnight...